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Over 18's Only
Ranked as the third best cigar in Cigar Aficionado's Top 25 Cigars of 2022!
Embarking on a journey reminiscent of Zino Davidoff's pioneering spirit, the master blenders at Davidoff set out in search of a new blend that would tantalize both the bitter and sweet taste receptors. Their quest led them to the fertile volcanic soil of Nicaragua.
Introducing the NICARAGUA DIADEMA, the next chapter in this Nicaraguan odyssey. The exquisite Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema offers a sophisticated and harmonious smoking experience from the very first puff, delivering a delightful interplay of sweet and savory notes with hints of leather and a lingering finish. This novel cigar format seamlessly aligns with its Nicaraguan counterparts, delivering the signature bittersweet essence and the characteristic peppery, spicy undertones of Nicaraguan tobacco.
For More Details:
1/3: The Davidoff Nicaragua opens with zesty, white pepper notes, complemented by the distinct Nicaraguan zest at the back of the palate. Expect a medley of spicy fragrances accompanied by woody and earthy undertones.
2/3: As you progress through the cigar, it evolves into a mellower profile, while a pleasing sweetness emerges. The aroma takes on a gentler character, and flavors of roasted coffee beans and rich, dark chocolate reveal themselves. The cigar culminates with a creamy texture by the close of the second third.
3/3: Building upon the foundation laid in the second third, the cigar continues to evolve, offering heightened excitement and a remarkable balance. It truly becomes a smoking experience that only Davidoff can craft. A moment filled with elegance!
Length: 6 1/2"
Ring Gauge: 50